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Australia Tourist Visa in 3 days
Y Sindhura
Y Sindhura

With 8 years of experience in the overseas division, Sindhura is a specialist in Canada, Australia, UK and Germany visa process.

How to get Australian Tourist Visa in 3 days?

Australia is a popular tourist destination. It attracts millions of international visitors each year. Major tourist attractions include the Sydney Opera House, the Great Barrier Reef, Uluru (Ayers Rock), the Great Ocean Road, and the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

The country is also home to unique wildlife such as kangaroos, koalas, and native bird species. Getting a visa for Australia can be tough and may not always succeed. Read this article to get your tourist visa application approved.

What is an Australia Tourist Visa (Subclass 600)?

The Visitor visa (subclass 600), Tourist stream, helps people visit Australia for tourism. This means spending time with family or friends, going on a cruise, or enjoying leisure activities in the country. With this visa, visitors can do many things for fun or relaxation during their stay.

To qualify, you need to show that you only want to visit Australia, have enough money to pay for your trip, and won't work while you're there. Also, you must be outside of Australia when you apply and when the visa is approved.

Benefits of an Australia Tourist Visa

There are several benefits of an Australia Tourist Visa. They are:

  • Visit Family and Friends: You can visit your family and friends in Australia.
  • Tourism: You can travel around Australia as a tourist and go on cruises.
  • Study or Train: You can study or train for up to 3 months.
  • Multiple Entry: Some visas allow you to leave and return to Australia many times. But this is only till the visa is valid.
  • Cruises: You can take part in cruises that enter Australian waters.
  • Flexible Stay: The stay duration can be tailored based on individual needs. It is generally up to 3 months but sometimes up to 12 months.
  • Frequent Travellers: Frequent visitors from China can benefit from a long-term visa. It is valid for up to 10 years.
  • Parents of Australian Citizens: Parents or step-parents of Australian citizens or permanent residents may get visas valid for more than 12 months, with multiple entries allowed.
  • Digital Visa Linking: Your visa will be digitally linked to your passport. It eliminates the need for a physical label.

What is the Cost of Applying for an Australia Tourist Visa?

The cost for the Visitor visa (subclass 600) varies, starting from AUD 190.00 (INR 10,478.22) per applicant. Additional expenses may include:

  • Fees for health checks
  • Police certificates
  • Biometrics

Ready to Travel

Eligibility Criteria for Australia Tourist Visa

Eligibility Requirements


Health Requirement

Applicants must meet Australia's health standards. This is to ensure they do not pose health risks or burden the Australian healthcare system. Health examinations may be required.

Character Requirement

Applicants must demonstrate good character, meeting criteria in section 501 of the Migration Act 1958. This includes no substantial criminal record or involvement in certain crimes.

Financial Stability

Applicants must have enough funds to support themselves during their stay in Australia.

Genuine Visitor Intent

Applicants must intend to stay temporarily in Australia. While their stay they should obey all visa conditions. Also they must adhere to the specified stay period.

Best Interests of the Child

The decision to give someone a visa might depend on what's best for kids under 18.

Debt Repayment

Applicants who owe money to the Australian government need to pay back what they owe or make a plan to pay it back.

Additional Requirements

Applicants may be asked to provide additional documentation. It includes police certificates, military certificates, or evidence of employment on ships, to meet specific criteria.

How To Get An Australia Visit Visa?

How Long You Can Stay?

This Visa allows you to stay in Australia for 12 months.

Quick Breakdown of Tourist Visa (Subclass 600)

Visa Stream


Stay Duration


Eligibility & Conditions

Tourist stream (apply outside Australia)

Visit Australia as a tourist, for a cruise, or to visit family and friends.

Up to 12 months

From AUD 190.00 (INR 10,478.22)

Must be outside Australia when applying and when the visa is decided. Can stay for 3, 6, or 12 months depending on the grant.

Tourist stream (apply in Australia)

Visit Australia as a tourist, to visit family and friends, or for purposes other than business or medical treatment.

Up to 12 months

From AUD 475.00 (INR 26,195.54)

Must be in Australia when applying and when the visa is decided. Suitable for those with expiring visas who want to stay longer.

Business visitor stream

Visit Australia for business reasons.

Up to 3 months

AUD 190.00 (INR 10,478.22)

Must be outside Australia when applying and when the visa is decided. Can make short visits for business reasons, but cannot work or sell goods/services.

Approved Destination Status stream

For citizens from certain areas of China visiting Australia on an organized tour by an approved travel agent.

As specified in the grant letter

AUD 190.00 (INR 10,478.22)

Must remain with the organized tour group.

Frequent traveller stream

For citizens of the People's Republic of China who travel often to Australia for business or personal reasons.

Up to 10 years, stay up to 3 months each entry

AUD 1,395.00 (INR 76,932.17)

Must hold a passport from the People's Republic of China. Biometrics is required before application. Visa can be granted for up to 10 years, staying up to 3 months for each entry.

Sponsored family stream

People who are sponsored by a family member, usually visit family in Australia.

Up to 12 months

AUD 190.00 (INR 10,478.22)

Must be sponsored by an eligible family member who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident. Sponsor may need to pay a security bond. Must be outside Australia when applying and when the visa is decided.


Begin Journey

How to Apply for an Australia Tourist Visa?

Step 1: Before You Apply

  • Check Your Passport: Ensure you have a valid passport. Get a new one if needed before applying.
  • Organize Health Examinations: Complete health exams before applying or wait until instructed.
  • Get Help with Your Application: Only certain people (registered migration agents, legal practitioners, or exempt persons) can assist you with immigration matters.

Step 2: Gather Your Documents

  • Provide Accurate Information: Make sure all information is true and accurate.
  • Identity Documents: Submit pages of your current passport. It should show your photo and personal details, and any national identity cards.
  • Genuine Visitor Documents: Show proof that you are visiting temporarily. The proof may include financial statements, invitation letters, and proof of ties to your home country.
  • Character Documents: Provide any military records or police certificates if applicable.
  • Additional Documents: If requesting a longer visa or for applicants under 18, provide extra documents. The documents can be birth certificates or consent forms.

Step 3: Apply for the Visa

  • Provide Accurate Information: Ensure all provided information is correct.
  • Apply Online:
    • Create or log in to ImmiAccount.
    • Attach your documents.
    • Submit applications together for family members.
    • Pay the application fee.

Step 4: After You Apply

  • Confirmation: You will be notified when your application and documents are received.
  • Travel: Do not arrange travel until you receive written confirmation of your visa grant.
  • Biometrics and Health Exams: Complete if instructed.
  • Attach More Information: Upload any additional requested documents promptly in ImmiAccount.
  • Mistakes and Changes: Inform promptly about any mistakes in your application or changes in your situation. For example: New address, and relationship status.

Step 5: Visa Outcome

  • Decision Notification: You will receive the decision in writing with details of your visa grant or refusal.
  • If Granted: Keep a copy of the decision while in Australia.
  • If Refused: You will be informed why and if you can request a review.

Australia Tourist Visa Guide for Indians in 2024

Documents Required for an Australia Tourist Visa




Pages with photo, personal details, issue and expiry dates

National Identity Card (if applicable)

Provide identity card

Proof of Change of Name (if applicable)

Marriage or divorce certificate, change of name documents

Genuine Visitor Documents

- Proof of sufficient funds: bank statements, pay slips, tax records, etc.


- Invitation letter from a relative or friend in Australia, stating the purpose of visit


- Proof of return plans: letter from employer, school enrollment, family ties, assets, etc.

Character Documents

Military service record, discharge papers (if applicable)

Police Certificate (if requested)

Provide police certificate

Documents for Nominated Persons

Form 956A or Form 956 for nominated individuals receiving correspondence or providing assistance

Additional Documents for Longer Visa

Further information supporting the request for a longer visa period

Additional Documents for Applicants under 18

Birth certificate, family book pages, identification documents, legal guardianship proof


Consent form or statutory declaration from a non-travelling guardian


Undertaking declaration form (if not staying with a relative or legal guardian)

Translated Documents

All non-English documents translated into English by accredited translators


Translators' details: full name, address, qualifications, experience


Colour scans or photos of all documents, clear and legible, saved as one file if multi-page

Seek Guidance

What is the Processing Time of an Australia Tourist Visa (Subclass 600)?

The processing time for a Tourist Visa (subclass 600) generally ranges from 7 days to 1.5 months.

When can you extend a Tourist visa in Australia?

Tourist visas are usually granted for 3-month stays at a time. You must leave Australia before each period ends and re-enter if you want to return.

If you need to stay longer without leaving, you can apply for an onshore tourist visa extension. This extends your stay for up to 12 months, with the exact length determined by the department.

To qualify for this extension, ensure:

  • Your current tourist visa has not expired.
  • Your total stay won't exceed 12 consecutive months.
  • You have enough funds for the extended stay.
  • You have valid reasons for staying longer, like exploring different states, attending local events, or supporting a sick family member.

Note: This visa cannot be extended beyond the maximum 12 months allowed.

Australia Vs. USA Immigration


Process of Extending Tourist Visa

  1. Plan Ahead: Start the extension process before your visa expires. Gather documents and complete the application in time.
  2. Check Eligibility: Make sure your visa type allows extensions. Subclass 600 and subclass 651 visas usually qualify.
  3. Gather Documents: Collect necessary documents like passport, visa papers, proof of funds, and health insurance.
  4. Complete Application: Apply online through the Department of Home Affairs website. Provide accurate details.
  5. Pay Fee: There's a fee for the extension. Pay it online using accepted methods like credit cards.
  6. Wait for Decision: Wait for the Department of Home Affairs to process your application. Avoid travel plans until you hear back.
  7. Follow Visa Conditions: While waiting, obey your current visa rules to avoid issues.
  8. Stay Informed: Check your application status online regularly for updates or requests.
  9. Seek Advice if Needed: If unsure, consult a migration agent for help.

Documents Required for Tourist Visa Extension

Here are the documents required for Tourist Visa Extension

  • Passport with your photo and details
  • Marriage or divorce certificates (if relevant)
  • Proof of past travel (e.g., stamped passport pages, photos)
  • Evidence of enough funds (e.g., bank statements, payslips)
  • Proof of plans to return home (e.g., assets, job, studies)
  • Travel plans or itinerary
  • Invitation letter from family or friends (if applicable)
  • Sponsor's details if they're supporting you (e.g., visa, financial status)
  • Health certificate (if needed)
  • Police certificate (if needed)
  • Adequate health insurance proof

Visit Australia


Common Reasons for Visa Refusal

To avoid rejection, you should work on these issues:

  1. Inconsistencies: Ensure your application matches your documents. Any contradictions could lead to rejection, like mismatched travel plans.
  2. Invalid Passport: Make sure the details on your application match your passport copy.
  3. Incorrect Photographs: Follow photo specifications precisely. Generally, head and shoulder only, plain background, and no facial coverings are permissible.
  4. Fake Birth Certificates: Your birth certificate must be genuine and unaltered.
  5. Insufficient Employment Records: Provide proof of employment, salary, and leave, along with bank statements. It must show salary credits.
  6. Lack of Invitation: If sponsored, provide a letter of invitation and proof of relationship and funds.
  7. Inadequate Financial Proof: Show sufficient funds and wealth to return home. This must be with three months' bank statements.
  8. Wrong Visa Type: Apply for the correct visa; don't use a tourist visa for studying or longer stays.
  9. Negative Visa History: Past issues with Australian visas could cause problems.
  10. Criminal Record: A clean police record is essential. A criminal history can lead to rejection.
  11. Contagious or Expensive Health Conditions: Conditions like HIV or cancer may lead to rejection. This is due to potential health risks or financial burdens.

Australia Partner Visa (Apply from India in 2024)

How Can Kansas Overseas Careers Help with a Tourist Visa?

Kansas Overseas Careers specializes in providing comprehensive assistance for individuals seeking tourist visas. It includes those for destinations like Australia. Here's how we can support you throughout the process:

  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from our team's expertise. We offer personalised guidance tailored to your tourist visa requirements and eligibility criteria. We help you navigate the intricate details of the application process with ease.
  • Documentation Assistance: Our experienced consultants carefully review and assist in preparing all the necessary documents required for your tourist visa application. We ensure that your paperwork meets the stringent standards set by immigration authorities.
  • Application Submission: Trust us to handle the submission of your tourist visa application efficiently and accurately. We ensure that your application is lodged on time. This minimizes any potential delays or complications.
  • Personalized Support: Enjoy dedicated support throughout your visa application journey, with a skilled consultant assigned to your case. We address your concerns promptly and provide regular updates on the progress of your application.
  • Visa Interview Preparation: If a visa interview is part of the process, we offer comprehensive preparation to help you excel. Our experts provide valuable insights and strategies to boost your confidence. We also work on enhancing your performance during the interview.
  • Post-Visa Services: Once your tourist visa is granted, we continue to assist you with post-landing services. From travel arrangements to accommodation bookings, we ensure a seamless transition to your destination.

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Other FAQs

1. How much is a 3-month tourist visa to Australia?

The cost of a 3-month tourist visa to Australia is AUD 190 (INR 10,478.22)

2. What are the conditions for reentry on an Australian tourist visa?

The conditions for reentry on an Australian tourist visa depend on the specific visa subclass. Generally, tourist visas allow multiple entries during the validity period. It allows travellers to leave and reenter Australia as long as the visa remains valid.

3. Can you apply for an Australian tourist visa if you have previously been denied entry to Australia?

Yes, you can apply for an Australian tourist visa even if you have been previously denied entry to Australia. But, you must disclose any previous visa refusals in your application. Also, provide explanations as required.

4. How long will it take for the process of visa application for an Australian tourist visa for parents?

The processing time for a tourist visa application for parents can vary depending on various factors such as:

  • Applicant's nationality
  • Completeness of the application
  • Current processing times.

Typically, it takes anywhere from a few days to several weeks for a decision to be made.

5. Can you stay in Australia for 6 months as a tourist?

As a tourist, you can generally stay in Australia for up to 3 months on a tourist visa. Extending your stay beyond the initial period may be possible under certain circumstances. But it requires applying for an extension or another visa.

6. Can you apply for an Australian tourist visa if you have a criminal record?

Having a criminal record does not automatically disqualify you from applying for an Australian tourist visa. But, you must declare any criminal convictions in your visa application. Also, provide relevant documents. The decision to grant a visa will depend on various factors, like the nature and severity of the offense.

7. What are the visa label requirements for an Australian tourist visa?

Australian tourist visas are usually electronically linked to the applicant's passport. Further, there is no physical visa label attached to the passport.

8. Can you apply for an Australian tourist visa if you have a temporary passport?

Yes, you can apply for an Australian tourist visa with a temporary passport. But, you must ensure that the passport is valid for the duration of your intended stay in Australia. Also, it must meet all other visa requirements.

9. How can you track the status of your application for the Australia visitor visa?

You can track the status of your application for an Australian visitor visa online through the Department of Home Affairs' ImmiAccount portal. Once logged in, you can view the progress of your application and any updates or requests for additional information.

10. Can a tourist visa be changed into a spouse visa without leaving Australia?

Generally, you cannot change a tourist visa into a spouse visa without leaving Australia. To apply for a spouse visa, you typically need to be outside Australia at the time of application.

11. Can you travel to multiple destinations in Australia on a tourist visa?

Yes, you can travel to multiple destinations in Australia on a tourist visa. But, you must comply with the visa conditions. This includes the duration of stay and any other restrictions imposed by the visa subclass.

12. What is the maximum number of times you can visit Australia on a tourist visa?

There is no specific limit on the number of times you can visit Australia on a tourist visa. But, each visit must follow the visa conditions. It covers the maximum duration of stay allowed per visit.

Visa Success

Topics: Visit, Australia, Australia-Visit-Visa
